Getting ready for winter: Samoyed Kroka's easy-going diary > 자유게시판

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Getting ready for winter: Samoyed Kroka's easy-going diary

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작성자ulvdo5 댓글댓글 0건 조회조회 17회 작성일 24-10-27 09:49


I forgot my bankbook and cards!

■ Kurog Book: How big is a one-room apartment? On sale now♪ ■

The fluffy seller is on the move!

"Diary of the Samoyed Kloka"

Published by Pet Life, 112 pages, published by Midori Shobo

On sale at major bookstores nationwide and online bookstores!

------------------------------------------------------------------ (Kojikoji @ Kurooka Sakura still no sign of blooming) Yesterday, I was going to deposit money into my newly opened bank account, but I realized that I had just taken my 500 yen savings with me. I've lost all motivation, so I'm going to change things up and go for an air walk! (The 500 yen coins have been put back in their place (^^;) That's right, I think it's almost time to finish preparations. U^ェ^UAnd so, we have arrived at YEBISU's garden place♪ Oh! With the declaration being lifted, the beer hall has reopened and the whole plaza is now brightly lit up~♪ I'm so happy~♪ Speaking of a winter tradition at YEBISU, that's right, that big sparkly thing♪ U^ェ^UHuh? The showcase isn't even finished yet? Isn't it too late? I Googled it for the first time and found out that this year it will be open from Saturday, November 13th! Usually it's opened on November 3rd (a national holiday), so be careful. (^^; This year, with Instagram's limited-time AR filter (what's that?), you can enjoy Baccarat from a distance (deadpan). While the plaza has become brighter, it seems that the redevelopment of the old Ebisu Mitsukoshi site has not yet progressed. I wonder what the opening plans for next spring will be like? (^^; And so, I walked all the way around on my way home. In front of the business building I passed, the sparkling had already begun ♪ Ohhh ♪ It really put me in the mood! Sparkling dog ♪ U^ェ^U I've walked here with Cloka before too. I also miss the majestic figure of the Dog Wheel. [Happy Halloween with Cloka ♪] Feeling good about my first Halloween cosplay, I walked around the city (lol). The fluffy stuff sold like hotcakes, and the dog was very happy ♪ U^ェ^UCurrently participating in the Popular Blog Rankings. Your support gives us encouragement ♪If you read it today too! Please click once a day! Thank you! U^ェ^U↓ ↓ ↓Congratulations Mako-san! ``Fluffy'' ♪**********************************************************************************************


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