"I want to sell it off." > 자유게시판

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"I want to sell it off."

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작성자ulhRrB 댓글댓글 0건 조회조회 9회 작성일 24-10-31 23:17


Good evening

I was watching Detective Night Scoop and they said that empty bottles can be sold for money. . . .

I have some empty bottles on the shelves in my house

I bought one when we went to Hawaii on our honeymoon

I think it cost 200,000 yen at the duty-free shop...

It was our honeymoon and my husband wanted it so I bought it, but I definitely wouldn't buy it now...

Nowadays, an empty bottle is about 5,000 yen...

It's apparently Baccarat...

I also have this one, but if it's unopened it's 18,000 yen

A souvenir from my father in Taiwan


This one contains plum wine


I don't know how to list things on Yahoo! Auctions so I'm not putting it up for sale

I wonder how much it'll be worth...


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